Posterous has been around since 2006, but the super-simple blogging platform is still relatively unknown when compared to blog giants like WordPress and Tumblr. If that sentence didn’t mean anything to you then, ironically, Posterous was designed for you.
The platform takes all the functionality and impressive visuals from (sometimes complicated) services like WordPress and distills the tech side of things to let you focus on sharing content. Posterous allows you to write blogs from your own e-mail and auto-formats your media to fit.
While it can all be hands-off, there are a number of ways to personalize the way your Posterous blog looks. For the would-be-designer, Posterous has put up some great tips and short-cuts for modifying their code. For the more casual users (read: most of us), there are some great, pre-made themes to update the look of your blog. We’ve collected seven elegant, functional themes that you can apply from the get go.
1. My.List
This is a great theme for photographers, as each post is prominently displayed like an online portfolio. Word to the wise: Make sure you have enough posts and high quality images to fill up your front page, otherwise this theme will just leave them blank.
2. Colourise
This is another theme great for showing off photographs and multimedia, with a smooth dark background and some nice detail formatting.
3. Tabby
One of the originals from designer Cory Watilo, this theme will automatically create new pages based on your post tags. Good for simple use and those not trying to blow out their SEO with a thousand tags per post.
4. Mad Men
Connoting the cool clean calm of Don Draper, this theme aims for a polished, magazine vibe. The high contrast helps both your pictures and blog posts stand out.
5. Contra
Contra is a theme best used by web video folks. Because the layout focuses on one post at a time, it's a good way to showcase a current project or inspiration.
6. Indicator
This is one of the cleanest, simplest themes on the list - perfect for people who need their blogs organized and easily searchable.
7. Tabby 2
Tabby 2 is the older brother to Tabby. Don't let its sparsity fool you. This theme is fully customizable from background down to font - perfect for the DIY crowd and nitpicks.
More Blogging resources from Mashable:
- HOW TO: Add Multimedia to Your Blog
- 26 Places to Find Free Multimedia for Your Blog
- HOW TO: Build a More Beautiful Blog
- 10 Beautiful and Free WordPress 3.0-Ready Themes
- 18 WordPress Plugins for RSS Management and Tweaks
Reviews: Posterous, WordPress
More About: blog, BLOGS, CSS, customize, html, List, Lists, media, photo, posterous, theme, themes, Update, video
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