via On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess on 8/20/10
This morning I was drinking my morning coffee and checking the feeds, when some older men at the table behind me started bugging the living crap out of me. OK, they weren't talking to me in particular, and only one of them was really talking, but here's some of what he had to say.
Did you guys see Glen Beck's history thing? (not waiting for an answer) Do you know who the first slave owner in America was? That's right, he was black.Everyone's been slaves, right? (not waiting for answer) The Chinese, and everyone. Hell, I'm a slave---I'm married, right? (waiting for laughter, but not waiting long)
They didn't hesitate to sell each other. Hell, you know, whenever they move into a city, they take it over, and just keep sucking the cash out of it and move on. They do it to their own. And their women just keep making babies, and taking their food stamps down to the liquor store. You know, those Arab liquor store owners will buy those food stamps on a discount and then those welfare moms can just spend the money on cigarettes or whatever.
And those Mexicans, you don't think they send us their best and brightest do you? Hell, no. If they were real working people, they'd come legally. We're getting all the lazy and unintelligent ones. Hell, they can't even get a job in Mexico. Mexico!
I had a tutor, back when I went to school at St. Whatthefuckever. That beautiful church is closed now. You know what happened to the neighborhood. Anyway, the tutor was a real smart guy, and he said we needed a welfare state.
(Me leaning in a bit, wondering WTF.)
Yeah, we need to have one state where they can get welfare, and no other states will have it. And if they want welfare they can move there.
(Me looking disappointed but not surprised.)
Finally, I turned around.
Me: So, that welfare state idea is really, really interesting!
(Douche looking at me cautiously...)
Douche: Er, yeah. Save us a lot of money.
Me: But it would make more sense if they had to work for the cash, right? I mean, what's the point if they just get the money?
Douche: Yeah, exactly.
Me: And we could have a big sign in front that says something like, "Work will set you free". Assuming they can read, that's got to be inspirational, right?"
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