America is experiencing the result of Conservative policies that nearly caused a financial meltdown, killed workers, and despoiled the environment. Conservatives incite anger toward Democrats and President Obama because they can no longer allow corporate interests to operate without regulations while they let the common people wallow in poverty although they are trying. The results of Republicans’ conservative policies are destroying America.
Between the financial meltdown the country is just starting to emerge from, and the spate of man killing disasters like the West Virginia mine explosion, the Deep Water Horizon explosion and subsequent oil blowout, one would think Conservatives would quietly fade away, but that isn’t the case.
Actually, it is the exact opposite. Conservatives convince half-witted people that current problems are the result of the Obama Administration, and their audience doesn’t have the mental resources to think for themselves about why America is in the predicament it’s in.
Conservative Republicans are consistent in using people’s fears to mask the damage they have caused with deregulation and laissez faire corporate attitudes. They convinced the simple-minded followers to protest against stronger regulations on the banking industry and corporate rapists who damaged the economy, and tricked teabaggers into protesting against higher taxes in spite of the fact that Obama cut taxes for 95% of Americans. Now Republicans claim the Bush tax cuts will create jobs if they are renewed when those cuts for the top 2% of Americans have still not created any jobs.
Conservative Republicans have provided reasons to never allow them to lead again, and yet, in spite of disastrous results, they have disciples willing to arm and fight for their policies. The results of Conservative policies are disastrous for the country and every citizen except for corporations and the filthy rich, so it’s curious that people who live in the Gulf Coast region still think it’s a good idea to drill for oil without regulations; just because conservative Republicans tell them it’s okay.
The Republican governor of Louisiana, Bobbie Jindal, wrote a letter to President Obama telling him that it is disastrous to halt the drilling in the Gulf regardless that oil is going to damage the region for years to come. The loyal, conservative Jindal still pushes for drilling while his state drowns in oil so the oil industry can continue to reap the profits they are accustomed to.
The standard mantra of the Republican Party to remove regulations for businesses and corporations is the cause of the Deepwater Horizon oil-well blowout, the West Virginia mine explosion and a long list of travesties the American people have suffered while corporations enjoy record profits.
If the result of Conservative policies that harm America and its citizens are a record to admire and brag about, then conservatives are evil. It can only be one of two things; either conservative Republican devotees are stupid and out of touch with reality, or they deliberately abuse and cheat the American people.
Based on their record, hypocrisy, and lack of veracity, the only conclusion is that Conservatives are evil and deliberately allow corporations to rape America for profit; it is, after all, the conservative way.
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