via Rumproast by Hunger Tallest Palin on 8/14/10
Meet Marg Baker, Teabaggy Candidate for Florida’s House District 48 (via the St. Pete Times):
“I was just a little girl in Miami, and they built camps for the people that snuck into the country because they were illegal,” Baker said. “They put them in the camps and they shipped them back. We can do that. We can do E-Verify. We must stop them.”
I know you’ll be SHOCKED to hear these remarks were made during a rally sponsored by Glenn Beck’s 9/12 project (apparently there’s YouTubes of her saying the same thing).
Salon got in touch with her and asked “WTF are you smoking, lady?” I know you’ll be SHOCKED to learn she immediately went for “Waaaah! They’re callin’ me a Nazi!”
They’re trying to think I want to erect some sort of prison camps like over in Germany.
‘Cos that’s got to be what people are are “trying to think,” right? It couldn’t be they’re nauseated by ideas like, well like this shit:
We can ship them out to the middle of the country and put up high walls and leave them there.
I’m surprised this decrepit waste of skin didn’t suggest that they be forced to build the high walls before shutting themselves in.
But at least someone finally cracked her over the head with a history book:
Asked if what she had in mind was more like the Japanese internment camps of the World War II era, Baker said, “something like that. But unfortunately in the Japanese camps they detaineed [sic] American citiziens [sic]. The only ones I want to detain are the ones who are illegal.”
Well that’s all right. Sticking illegal immigrants in the middle of the country and leaving them there is just dandy. It’s not like they’re human beings or anything. You mentally unbalanced warthog.
She stressed to Salon that she would want all illegal immigrants, not just Hispanics, put in the camps. Though she added, cryptically, “the people are walking among us, and who knows.”
Oh yes! They can all sing “It’s a small world after all” while they wonder if they’ll be fed anytime soon. You festering pustule on a dog’s ass.
I know you’ll be SHOCKED to learn the GOP has yet to denounce and reject this woman’s remarks. But I forgot. They’re all too busy screaming that the 1st Am. totally does not apply to Mooslins and they know it because they had a dream where George Washington and Jesus danced the foxtrot naked on the beach and when they were gone the pattern of their footprints read “We H8 Muslins.”
And then they had to change their sheets.
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