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The Worst of the Worst [Updated]
The wrong John Hawkins.
Right Wing News (“Kneecapping Barack Obama at every opportunity.”) conducted a “poll” the other week to establish, well, what exactly I’m not quite sure.
They asked 100 RW blogs for their votes for the 25 worst figures in American history.
The resulting list provided by the 43 blogs that could be bothered to respond runs the gamut from Saul Alinsky, with a surprisingly poor showing considering how many column inches he occupies among the frightwing, at a lowly no. 23, to a palpable cluster of perfidy at equal no. 13 with Al Gore, Noam Chomsky, Richard Nixon, Jane Fonda, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, to a predictable President Obama at a solid no. 2, to the no. 1 Worst Figure In American History ... (roll of drums) ... President Jimmy Carter.
John Hawkins (ahaarrrr), who announced the results for Right Wing News and is suspiciously fond of beginning sentences with “Also,” conceded:
Also, it’s worth keeping in mind that this is a fairly conservative group of bloggers and their selections reflected that.
No shit, Sherlock.
As Jim Geraghty at the National Review observed:
Some of My Fellow Righty Bloggers Need a Broader Definition of ‘Worst Figure’
Well, he said a lot more than that, as that’s just the title, but he fluffed it by taking it seriously enough to offer his own nominations.
One can nitpick any poll results, of course, and I’m not going to do that here as pretty well everyone who has a blog will probably have a go at it, if today’s Memorandum is anything to go by.
What I’d like to do instead is go all Nate Silver, reverse engineer the results, and give you my own conclusions from the raw data below the fold
I applied exhaustive regression analysis and the latest paradigms. Then I realized the conclusion I was seeking was staring me in the face right there in the data set of respondents.
Therefore, with all due fanfare, I give you ...
The Worst 44 Blogs In American History
101 Dead Armadillos
Basil’s Blog
Cold Fury
Conservative Compendium
The Dana Show
DANEgerus Weblog
Cara Ellison
Exurban League
Fausta’s Blog
Freeman Hunt
House of Eratosthenes
Infidels Are Cool
Jordan Woodward
Moe Lane
Mean Ol’ Meany
The Liberal Heretics
Midnight Blue
Pirate’s ...
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