From the outside in

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Now Revolution Has Landed

via Brass Tack Thinking by Amber Naslund on 2/7/11

The Now Revolution and Amber NaslundWhat an exciting week!

The NOW Revolution – the new book I’ve co-authored with Jay Baer – is officially out. It’s on Amazon and Kindle and across the country in bookstores of all stripes and sizes along with their companion e-book formats. (It’ll be in international locations, too, like Canada and the UK…those just take a little longer.) To be honest, it’s a little surreal. Some folks are already posting their photos to our Facebook page, and I just grin every time.

Several of you have bought the book and have said some nice stuff. More still won copies in our blogger giveaway, and lots of reviews will hit the web this week and next. I even saw some folks around the Marketing Profs Digital Forum this past week in Austin carrying copies around. To all of you that have supported this endeavor, I thank you. Sincerely.

Tremendous thanks also due to the whole team at Wiley for making the book a reality.

What’s it about?

If you haven’t bought it yet, you might be wondering why you should.

As the subtitle indicates, the book presents 7 shifts that businesses need to make to adapt to the speed, expectations, and immediacy of the social web. It’s the operational guide to building and organizing a socially-equipped business, from people to process. Here are the shifts we discuss in detail:

  1. Engineer a New Bedrock: Without a consistent, powerful corporate culture you can’t win in real-time.
  2. Find Talent You Can Trust: Moving fast requires empowering employees to make quick, smart decisions. That impacts HR and hiring. A lot.
  3. Organize Your Armies:How social media and social participation are organized and managed internally.
  4. Answer the New Telephone: The art, methods, and pay-offs of meaningful social listening.
  5. Emphasize Response-Ability::Responding to customer inquiries on the social Web, but also moving beyond that to creating your own stories and conversations.
  6. Build a Fire Extinguisher: How to find, judge, and solve a social media crisis.
  7. Make a Calculator: The many ways you can measure social media, and how to select and utilize the most appropriate metrics for your company.

Each shift concludes with a step-by-step process guide to help direct the implementation of what you’ve just read.

Bonus Material

In addition to the text contained in the book, we produced or curated a bunch of bonus material. Videos, PDFs, podcasts, links, and more. We’ve got 22 tags, powered by Microsoft Tag technology , throughout the book. Thanks to our friends at Microsoft for their assistance.

Speaking of companies that are a part of the book, we have full case studies in each of the shifts, chronicling the amazing success stories of Moosejaw, ThinkGeek, Autodesk, Sweet Leaf Tea, Taylor Guitars, Boingo, and Martell Homebuilders. Many of these companies are helping us promote the book. Thank you for your support and generosity.

Beyond these full case studies, the book contains examples from nearly 50 other companies, most of them small and medium-sized businesses (we selected smaller businesses on purpose so that more readers would be able to identify with the examples).

On the Road Again. And Again.

Although we’re doing some interesting things on the website, Facebook page, and via digital marketing, the primary promotion for the book is coming via a whirlwind series of events where either or both of us are talking about The NOW Revolution and its core lessons. It’s co-sponsored by Radian6 (my employer), and ExactTarget (Jay’s long-time client).

The tour kicked off last week in remarkably chilly Austin at MarketingProfs Digital Marketing Forum, and continues tomorrow at Online Marketing Summit in San Diego. Here’s the rest of the dates so far, with a few more in the works. If we’re in your area, come see us, won’t you?

Feb 10 San Diego
Feb 10 Phoenix
Feb 11 Phoenix
Feb 15 Vancouver
Feb 17 Chicago
Feb 17 Montreal
Feb 22 Nashville
March 2 Chicago
March 8 Louisville
March 13 Austin (book launch party at SXSW)
March 21 Des Moines
March 24 MarketingProfs Webinar
April 4 Portland
April 7 Boston
April 7 Indianapolis
April 8 Bloomington, IN
April 13 Knoxville
April 15 Akron
April 20 St. Louis
April 21 St. Louis
April 29 Fargo
May 2 Tucson
May 5 Richmond
May 11 Phoenix
May 12 Sacramento
May 12 Denver
May 13 Boulder
May 14 Las Vegas
May 19 Raleigh
May 25 Duluth
June 3 Victoria, BC
June 7 Columbus, OH

Thanks A Million.

I can’t express really how much fun this book adventure has been, what I’ve learned, and how grateful I am that you’ve been here to support me, Brass Tack Thinking, and the book. Thank you, thank you for helping me check something off my bucket list that will hopefully help a business or two in the process.

If you haven’t picked up your copy, I’d love it if you would. And if you’ve read The NOW Revolution, please share a review, refer a friend, or spread the word.

Cheers to all of you. It’s been a crazy ride, and it’s just getting started. See you on the road.

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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