From the outside in

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Where Is The Jobs Bill? Special Comment by my 72-year-old friend (The Politi...">Where Is The Jobs Bill? Special Comment by my 72-year-old friend (The Political Carnival)
via P2Blogs Latest Posts on 2/9/11

My impassioned 72-year-old Twitter pal, who goes by the name 42bkdodgr, would like to share his feelings about a the usual GOP hypocrisy, false promises, and failure to come through on all that “jobs” talk. I am more than happy to oblige.

But first, a personal note from 42bkdodgr:

Many of you may wonder why I chose to use the “ 72 year old friend” as the introduction to my Special Comments. I selected the moniker so readers could see that from my age and life experiences I give a different perspective to the issues of today.

Now for his Special Comment:

Where Is The Jobs Bill?

The Republicans have now been in control of the House of Representatives for little more than a month, and people have been asking, “Where is the jobs bill?” Although they campaigned on the importance of creating more jobs for Americans, it is my opinion that we shouldn’t expect to see any meaningful jobs bill coming from the Republicans, because it’s not in their best interests.

Sen. McConnell has stated that it’s his primary goal is to see that President Obama is a one term president. A successful jobs bill that could possibly result in lowering the unemployment rate to 8% or even on the high 7% range isn’t in the best interests of the Republican Party.

Unemployment rates reaching such levels before the 2012 election will probably ensure that President Obama will be reelected for a second term, and Republicans can’t afford to see this happen.

The primary goal of the Republican Party is gain control of all three branches of government. They believe a high unemployment rates will allow them to retain control of the House and lead to getting control of the Senate and the election of a conservative president.

That will give them control of two branches of government, leaving only the control of the Supreme Court to be achieved. The GOP hopes this can be attained by the retirement of either Justice Ginsburg or Kennedy after the 2012 election. This will allow a conservative President to nominate a strict conservative judge to the Court, ensuring the GOP of having 5 strict conservatives judges on the Court and no longer having to worry about getting the swing vote of Justice Kennedy.

To the Republican Party leadership, ideology is more important that addressing the job needs of the American people. We are seeing this by the bills they have presented or intend to present to House, such as repealing the Health Care Law, redefining what constitutes rape, abortion rights of women, and the frivolous investigations they intend to pursue.

If Republicans ever have full control of all three branches of government as I outlined above, among the things I can expect to see happen is the wall separating church and state begin to crumble and Roe v Wade being overturned.

I may be all wrong, but that is why I believe we won’t see a meaningful jobs bill coming from the Republicans in the next two years.

Many thanks again for another thorough, relevant piece, 42bkdodgr. You often say what many of us are thinking and feeling, and we thank you for your unique perspective.

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