From the outside in

Monday, February 14, 2011

Augmented Reality - Architecture Fiction mashups

via Beyond The Beyond by Bruce Sterling on 2/14/11

*Yes, hmmm, how interesting, how entirely suited to serious pondering from our speculative-culture demographic, etc

Augmented reality vs “architecture fiction”

“Recently I had the pleasure of giving a brief talk about the Hypothetical Development Organization (((I want the T-shirt, or at least the Foursquare badge))) at the excellent Grand Arts, in Kansas City. In preparing for that, I was doing a lot of research to try and figure out how I want to define “architecture fiction,” and along the way I started collecting possible examples involving “augmented reality.” Whether these examples really count or not (beside the point for the moment), I wanted to collect my thoughts on that particular diversion somewhere.

“Thus this post.

“I wrote about augmented reality in Consumed back in November 2009, but most of the examples that I could find at the time didn’t really interest me that much. (Basically augmented reality refers to data overlaid on what you see when you peer at the world through your cell phone – Yelp reviews floating in front of a restaurant, that sort of thing.)

“But looking around again more recently I found more stuff that I found at least potentially interesting. Each of the following examples strikes me as compelling on some level, and maybe hinting at interesting things that might be done in connection with, oh, I don’t know, something like Hypothetical Developments. I welcome other examples or reactions, naturally.

“First up: Irene Cheng and Brett Snyder created an app called Museum of the Phantom City. In this case, the user gets information about proposed utopian projects in New York City that never came to pass….”


Posted via email from The New Word Order

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