From the outside in

Monday, February 14, 2011

12 Love-Themed Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs for Valentine’s Day [PICS]

via Mashable! by Amy-Mae Elliott on 2/14/11

Wolfram Alpha has already proven that it has a sense of humor, but does the computational knowledge engine have a sense of romance? As these love-themed Easter eggs show, the answer is “yes.”

Whether you want to view romance-related quotes, discover what computational knowledge engines love, or find out more about the daisy petal method of affection determination, good old WA has the answer.

So grab your sweetheart and click through the gallery below to see the amusing Easter eggs that can be found on the special search engine. Be sure to let us know in the comments which ones made your heart beat faster.

1. Will you be my Valentine?" TARGET="_blank">Will you be my Valentine?</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

It seems if you're at a loss this Feb 14, you can always ask Wolfram Alpha to be your Valentine.

2. What do men want?" TARGET="_blank">What do men want?</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

The same question can also be asked of the fairer sex, and despite expectations otherwise, the answer is, in fact, the same.

3. Tell me I'm pretty" TARGET="_blank">Tell me I'm pretty</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

Great for when you need a confidence boost. Just try not to over-think that smiley face: "Does it really mean it? What's with the big grin? Is that sarcasm? Does my butt look big in this?"

4. I love you" TARGET="_blank">I love you</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

Is it just us, or does ol' WA come across as little pompous here? Assured? Mutual? Sounds more like an insurance plan than passion.

5. Does he/she/it love me?" TARGET="_blank">Does he/she/it love me?</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

At least this one ends on a positive note. Although perhaps not for the person that wants to know if "it" loves them. We're not sure that's ever going to lead to a happy ending.

6. Are you in love?" TARGET="_blank">Are you in love?</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

Aw! Wolfy and the Internet in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

7. Am I in love?" TARGET="_blank">Am I in love?</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

An ominous answer that sounds like it should be followed by, "Because if you're not, then you're just wasting your life. Look at your sister, she's already married, has a nice house, two wonderful children..."

8. What the world needs now...." TARGET="_blank">What the world needs now....</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

You just know that song is going to be stuck in your head all day. Such is the infectious nature of Bacharach, just reading lyrics is enough to infiltrate your brain.

9. All is fair..." TARGET="_blank">All is fair...</a>" src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

We'd add Parcheesi to that list, but then, that's just us.

10. What is love?*C.what+is+love-_*Miscellaneous-" TARGET="_blank">What is love?</a> " src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

Wolfram Alpha is ever-lovin' the Internet in the first of three surprise answers to this passion-themed puzzler.

11. What is love?*C.what+is+love-_*Miscellaneous-" TARGET="_blank">What is love?</a> " src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

Perhaps not one for the Valentine's Day playlist then...

12. What is love?*C.what+is+love-_*Miscellaneous-" TARGET="_blank">What is love?</a> " src="" width="400" style="border: none;" />

And, finally, here's the cryptic non-answer from waistcoat-wearing 90s Eurodance star Haddaway.

More Easter Eggs from Mashable:

- 10 Cool Konami Code Easter Eggs
- Top 10 Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
- 5 Must-See Google Easter Eggs
- 10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
- 10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and Tricks

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, TM_Design

More About: easter eggs, gallery, List, Lists, Search, search engines, valentine's day, wolfram alpha

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Posted via email from The New Word Order

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