From the outside in

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jules Verne... compliments from Google!

via The Steampunk Tribune by RF on 2/8/11

One of the greatest icons of Steampunk celebrates his 183rd birthday today!  Mssr. Jules Verne, the legendary creative mind behind a vast quantity of Steampunk Classics, most notably 20,000 leagues under the Sea, is being recognized in one of the most innovative ways imaginable today!  Google has provided a unique header, which not only pays homage to his greatest novel, but even contains functionality!  If one plays with the lever to the right of the Google logo, the imagery in the sign will change, corresponding with either surfacing, diving, ahead, or backing bells!  So when you have to make your search on the world's most popular search engine, do take a moment to play with the controls!

Additionally, in my "personal" blog, the Steampunk Shipyard, I've listed a good number of links regarding the Father of Steampunk, from the the comprehensive storehouse of knowledge known as Voyages Extrarordinaire!  Mr. Gross' compendium certainly compliments  the existing body of knowledge!  To see the compilation, please visit the Steampunk Shipyard's entry, and remember to visit the Google links (choose the logo), after you finish playing with the controls!

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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