From the outside in

Friday, February 4, 2011

Augmented Reality: Ogmento, Paranormal Activity

via Beyond The Beyond by Bruce Sterling on 2/3/11

*Hey wow, an Ogmento product launch. And it’s so Los Angeles that it has a movie tie-in!

Q: What is this game all about?
A: Paranormal Activity: Sanctuary is a game about the battle between demonic forces that want to enter our world to cause havoc and the demonologists that use a combination of modern technology and ancient magic to hold the evil at bay.

Q: What can I do in the game?
A: As a demonologist you can complete missions in real-world locations to gain experience and useful items. You can also cast magical spells that create sanctuaries, which are areas that are relatively safe from demonic attack. You can also scan your area for spirits and demons by conducting a paranormal investigation that yields valuable research and extra experience. (((Gee, it’s just like blogging and fighting off blogspam, then!)))

Q: What are all these colored areas on my map?
A: The colored areas on the map shows you which areas are safe havens and which are under attack by demonic forces. Blue areas on the map are Sanctuaries, safe areas created by spells cast by demonologists. The red areas of the map are Hell Holes created by spells cast by players that have become possessed. Sanctuaries range in color from blue to nearly white, this indicates the strength of the sanctuary. Stronger (light colored) sanctuaries will restore the sanity of demonologists that complete missions or cast spells in that area. Darker colored hell holes, on the other hand, will wear away at the sanity of any demonologist that completes a mission or casts a spell within it.

Q: How do I create a Sanctuary?
A: All demonologist spells create sanctuaries, in addition to any other effect they might have. The strength of a spell determines the strength of the sanctuary it creates. If two spells overlap, they add their strengths together to determine the strength of the sanctuary in the overlapping area. So if you cast two Spirit Barriers (strength 4) near each other you will create a sanctuary that ranges in strength from 4 to 8 (where they overlap). If you cast a spell in a hell hole, the strength of the hell hole is subtracted from the strength of the spells to create a sanctuary. If you cast a Spirit Barrier (strength 4) in a strength 6 hell hole, you won’t create a sanctuary, but you will weaken the hell hole by 4 points, so you can eventually wear away at the hell hole and establish a safe sanctuary within it.

Q: I created a Sanctuary yesterday but today it’s weaker. What happened?
A: Demonologist magic is stronger than dark magic, but it slowly fades, typically losing one point of strength per day. To maintain your Sanctuaries, be sure to come back daily and reinforce them with new spells. Black magic is insidious and patient and does not decay, even though it is weaker.

Q: So how can I destroy a Hell Hole?
A: There are two primary methods to destroy a hell hole permanently….

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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