From the outside in

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Senator Al Franken: No joke, Comcast trying to whack Netflix

via Ars Technica by (Nate Anderson) on 1/19/11

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has had it with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), who has just created "essentially two Internets" with weak net neutrality rules and who this week signed off on the mega-merger of Comcast and NBC Universal. A common thread unites the two decisions: both highlight the "growing threat of corporate control" over information.

Franken's remarks came yesterday during a speech to a Netroots Nation gathering in Minnesota. The former comedian and NBC employee (during his Saturday Night Live days) has made media consolidation and network neutrality two of his signature issues, and he hammered on both of them during his talk.

Calling net neutrality the "free speech issue of our time," Franken expressed his displeasure with the FCC's recent net neutrality rules. "These rules are not strong enough," he said, pointing out that paid prioritization was not banned and that wireless networks are allowed to discriminate at will.

The rules mark the "first time the FCC has ever allowed discrimination on the Internet" and they "will create essentially two Internets."

When it comes to the Comcast merger, Franken was even more vocal. "As you probably know, I hate this merger," he told the group. Not only will it raise prices on TV subscriptions, it will give the combined entity incredible power to stifle competition from online sources like Netflix.

"I'm hearing that Comcast is already preparing to pull NBC Universal's programming from Netflix when it's next up for review," Franken said. The cable industry is worried about the threat from cheaper options like Netflix; "they aren't stupid and they want to shut it down."

Franken even referenced the current controversy over Level 3's peering arrangements with Comcast (Level 3 just won a major contract from Netflix to deliver its content). Comcast's move to charge for this interconnection is, in Franken's view, "a clear warning sign of what we can all expect if this deal goes through."

As he was giving that speech, the merger did go through yesterday, signed off on by the FCC and the Department of Justice. As for what's next, Franken just sees a new wave of mega-consolidation in which AT&T tries to buy ABC/Disney while Verizon goes after CBS.

"Now is the time to decide if we want four or five companies owning and delivering all of our information and entertainment," he said.

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