From the outside in

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ich Bin Ein Beer-liner!

Even Rachel Maddow picked up on the Beer Theme Park



Now this is my kind of theme park: Kuchlbauer's World of Beer!
Imagine: Beer! Theme Park! Beer! and....Beer!
While I couldn't be more excited about this brew-meister's paradise, (located conveniently between Munich and Nurnberg in beautiful Abensburg Germany), I did think of a few slight improvements to the park...

  • The It Just Doesn't Matterhorn toboggan ride: You'll go faster than is safe but you won't care because after a few hours at the World of Beer, It Just Doesn't Matterhorn.
  • The Beer-Sexy Hall of Fun House Mirrors: makes the bloat magically disappear.
  • Das Drinkendial: Private Long Distance phone booths so you can re-argue the relationship with your ex.  And weep.
  • The Beer Pong Stadt: Hand/eye coordination meets blood alcohol content before the loudest, most aggressive fans in the entire welt.
  • The Blue Danube Wasserwelt: Germany's most spacious, elegant toilets. You'll come back again and again!
  • Dieter's Haus of Brats: Opens at 3 a.m. We speak Drunk! (Just steps from The Blue Danube Wasserwelt!)
  • Hans' Beer Goggles: Before you leave, be sure to stagger through the gift shop to pick up a pair - precision engineered to turn a five into an eight!
  • Otto-Bahn: A World of Beer staffer named Otto drives you to your hotel really really fast.
  • And of course the Einfahrt, which seems...self explanatory. 

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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