From the outside in

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Michele Bachmann - A Special Kinda Moron

via Moron Watch by Moron Watch on 1/26/11

It's been suggested that Sarah Palin gets too much attention, and maybe we should all be ignoring her a bit more. I (reluctantly) agree. But nobody said anything about Michele Bachmann, a congress member for Minnesota and Tea Party spokesperson, who makes Palin look like a smart, rational human being. Bachmann came to my attention this morning after giving the Tea Party's response to Obama's State Of The Union address - which was well received, except by right-wing crazies.

In her response, she did a good job of trying to appear sane and informed - at least compared to previous appearances. She had a chart with red and blue bars and stuff, showing how the national debt leapt up moments after Obama took office. She forgot to mention the part about the financial system collapsing just before he took office, which was possibly dishonest, or maybe she really didn't know (after all, it was over two years ago, and who can remember things that happened even last week?)

Anyway, I don't want to quibble about such minor oversights. Below are a few quotes and (for real Bachmann fans) a couple of informative and stimulating video clips.

  • "I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?"
  • "During the last 100 days we have seen an orgy. It would make any local smorgasbord embarrassed … The government spent its wad by April 26."
  • "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas." (See video below)
  • "There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design."
  • "I don't know where they're going to get all this money because we're running out of rich people in this country."
You're still here? You're obviously a committed Bachmann fan. Some cute video clips for you...

Here, Michele points out that carbon dioxide is good for plants. This of course, is true. She doesn't say what happens if atmospheric CO2 suddenly increases by 50% - but that's probably not important anyway.

And here, Bachmann (who is clearly a worldly and well-travelled individual) talks about the riots of ethnic minorities in France. I thought this was about police violence towards non-whites and high youth unemployment, but apparently it's because their welfare benefits need to increase. Oh, and she mentions that "Not all cultures are equal" - again, a reasoned, well thought-out argument.

(Not-scary-at-all Michele Bachmann photo taken from her Wikileaks page)

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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