From the outside in

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eric Schroeck: Wash. Times Attacks Gore For Linking Global Warming And Flo...

via Media Matters for America - County Fair by Eric Schroeck on 1/20/11

In a January 19 editorial, The Washington Times attacked Al Gore for discussing climate change and the recent flooding in Australia, claiming that Gore is "look[ing] at tragedy and spot[ting] opportunity."

The Times is seizing on this blog post by Gore, in which he states that "ABC News makes the link between...natural disasters" in Australia and Brazil "and the climate crisis":

In a report on flooding in Australia and Brazil, ABC News makes the link between these natural disasters and the climate crisis.


As the earth warms, scientists tell us that we will see more and more extreme weather conditions. Each of these occurrences further underscore why we need to take immediate action to solve the climate crisis.

Gore also included video of ABC's report on climate change and the Australian floods.

But here's the thing. Gore is simply forwarding what some climate scientists have been saying in the aftermath of the Australian floods: that global warming is linked to an increase extreme weather such as the recent flooding. In fact, in the video Gore included in his post, Derek Arndt, chief of NOAA's Climate Monitoring Branch in the National Climate Data Center, said, "We are measuring certain types of extreme events that we would expect to see more often in a warming world, and these are indeed increasing."

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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