From the outside in

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spime Watch: Pachube exulting over Neul

via Beyond The Beyond by Bruce Sterling on 3/10/11

*Hmm. A dedicated Internet-of-Things network? Well, let’s see how that works out, then.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Neul: Internet of Things disruption in action

“The Internet of Things promises to change our lives through order-of-magnitude shifts in efficiency and costs. Disruption is an understatement — this thing is a steamroller. What is really exciting is that this will affect not only applications but infrastructure as well, remaking entire industries to capitalize on these drastic changes. I got a chance to hear about this first-hand last month at MWC from the guys at Neul, a new startup fearlessly gunning for the incumbent multinational cellular carriers.

“The challenge the big carriers have right now is that their businesses are built around connecting smartphones, not “things.” For the carriers to profitably service the Internet of Things, they have to convince device manufacturers that 3G/4G adoption is the best thing for them… Even though they may only want to send a few kb of data here and there, the modems cost more than the devices, and the service model required is completely upside down (hence the hundreds of MVNOs globally).

“Neul is the antithesis of this, a textbook blue ocean strategy that takes the wireless industry and turns it on its head. These guys are building a completely new network from the ground-up on top of the “White Space Spectrum,” newly available from the termination of analog TV signals. The White Space Spectrum is fantastic for data, transmits farther than cellular, penetrates walls effortlessly, and has no license fees. As if that weren’t enough, all the hardware is exponentially cheaper as well. The towers are even cheaper to maintain since they are tiny and can operate off of nothing but batteries for years!

“If the old stuff doesn’t work, TOSS. IT. OUT. It’s not in the DNA of the incumbent to pull something like this off, and that’s why the Internet of Things will breed the next generation of innovators. …”

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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