From the outside in

Friday, March 18, 2011

Environmentalist Patrick Murphy Wants The Democratic Nomination To Take On F...

via DownWithTyranny! by DownWithTyranny on 3/17/11

Patrick Murphy the Blue Dog from Pennsylvania who helped Nancy Pelosi pass the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell was making the rounds in Los Angeles last week, gearing up for a rumored run for Pennsylvania Attorney General. But there's another Patrick Murphy who would like to be in Congress, a Fort Lauderdale businessman and environmentalist who announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination to take on far right extremist Allen West.

West beat middle of the road incumbent Ron Klein 54-46% in November in a low turnout election where angry and confused teabaggers came out in droves. Klein has joined a lobbying firm and is thought to be passing on the opportunity for a rematch in 2012. Potential Democratic nominees to oppose him, besides Murphy, include Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne Gannon, former West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel and state Rep. Joe Abruzzo.

His Facebook page doesn't have many issues up yet but he favors marriage equality and says the occupation of Afghanistan should be brought to a rapid end that doesn't jeopardize American troops. Last night he told DWT that this race has national import as well as being crucial to Broward and Palm Beach counties. "This race isn't simply relevant to South Florida. From human rights, to workers' rights, to the programs vital to our seniors and children, Allen West and the Tea Party movement represent a threat to the very principles in which I believe America is supposed to operate under. My vision is that we should be building on the progress we've made in areas like healthcare reform and the end to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Allen West doesn't get it, but I believe that when the public is educated about what he's actually voting for, they're going to join the fight to stop him." Patrick is officially registered with ActBlue as of a few hours ago... in case you want to help make sure Allen West is a one-term nightmare.

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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