From the outside in

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Florida Awake #pfla #FlAwake

Progress Florida

The massive and devastating budget cuts proposed by Gov. Scott and his allies in the Florida legislature must be stopped. It’s time to come together and “Awake The State” next Tuesday, March 8th to send a message to our leaders in Tallahassee: Floridians can't afford more budget cuts.

Click here to find an Awake The State rally near you.

March 8th will be a big day for Florida. The 2011 Florida legislative session will begin, and Gov. Scott will give his State of The State address. And this time, Floridians from all walks of life in cities and towns throughout the state will join together to Awake The State and say “no” to budget cuts we as a state simply can’t afford.

Click here to find an Awake The State rally near you and register.

We can’t afford a massive $3 billion dollar cut to our neighborhood public schools, and the tens of thousands of teachers and support personnel we would lose as a result.

We can’t afford privatizing Florida’s Medicaid program: Forcing our state’s children, elderly, and disabled into the waiting arms of greedy HMOs.

We can’t afford not funding the Florida Forever land conservation program, dismantling Florida’s growth management agency, and gutting protections for clean water.

We can’t afford balancing Florida’s budget on the backs of public servants like our teachers, police officers, firefighters, and nurses by singling them out for huge tax increases.

We can’t afford what Gov. Scott and his allies in the leadership of Florida's legislature are proposing, and we’ve had enough of the assault on Florida’s working families.

Let’s stand together and fight back. Click here to find an Awake The State rally near you.

Together, we will send a loud and clear message to Tallahassee and begin to re-focus the debate on how we balance Florida’s budget responsibly. By closing down unnecessary and unproductive sales tax exemptions and corporate loopholes that litter our tax code and cost Floridians billions of dollars a year1, we can save our state from devastating budget cuts no one can afford.

Thank you for all you’re doing to Awake The State.

For progress,

Mark, Ray, and the rest of the Progress Florida team

P.S.: If you’re on Facebook you can “Like” Awake The State here. If you’re on Twitter, you can follow Awake The State here.


1 Tax Modernization Would Produce Revenue for Critical State Needs. Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy. 2/11

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