From the outside in

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rightwing credo: I'm not evil, cause I see no evil! You're the one that's evil!

via Open Left - Front Page by Paul Rosenberg on 10/25/10

It happens all the time, conservatives or Republicans say or do something that progressives see as racist, and then get all in a huff when somebody calls them on it.  Heck, they even have their own narrative arsenal for the occasion.  Such attacks are "politically correct" examples of "playing the race card," we are sure to be told from a thousand different directions.

The only problem is, it's demonstrably true that these yahoos wouldn't know a racist act if it came up and bit them in the ass.  Which, of course, would never happen.  At least not now, in 2010.  Nothing they could do would ever come back and bite them in the ass, or so it seems.  Take for example, a proposed Florida law, highlighted by Think Progress last week:

Proposed Florida Immigration Law Exempts Canadians, Western Europeans From Scrutiny

Florida is one of at least 20 states designing an immigration bill similar to Arizona's SB-1070, which requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they think might be in the country illegally. State Rep. William Snyder (R) introduced the legislation in August, and Rick Scott, the Tea Party-backed Republican candidate for governor, favors such a bill.

Snyder has denied criticisms that such legislation could be used to discriminate against Latinos, saying in a recent radio interview that "race, ethnicity, and national origin cannot be used in making arrests. It's immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional."

However, the bill he introduced does appear to do just that - it exempts all Canadian and Western Europeans from extensive scrutiny. The exception, first reported by the Miami New Times, says a person will be "presumed to be legally in the United States" if he or she provides "a Canadian passport" or a passport from any "visa waiver country." Four Asian nations and all 32 Western European countries make up the visa waiver list.

So, you see, it's not racist, since anyone of any race with a passport from a visa waiver country will be presumed to be legal!  Any Hispanic carrying a Swedish passport will just be let off right away.  (Unlike US citizens, I guess, since native-born or naturalized Hispanic-Americans have of course, been deported on numerous occasions in the past.)

In the same sense, it's not discriminatory to ban gay marriage, since gays can marry anyone they want of the opposite sex, just like every one else!

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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