From the outside in

Sunday, October 17, 2010

HOW TO: Use Twitter Hashtags to Boost Your Job Search

via Mashable! by Sharlyn Lauby on 10/16/10

About 300 to 500 jobs are posted on Twitter per minute, according to Carmen Hudson, CEO and co-founder of Tweetajob. With that many shared opportunities, the task of filtering information becomes daunting — that’s why we have hashtags. They can help you focus on the tweets you want to see along with the ones you didn’t even know existed.

Hudson, whose company sends job tweets that match a job seeker’s location and career interests, says the numbers are true but come with a caveat. “Many of these jobs are duplicates, or from aggregators. It’s likely the number of real opportunities could be much lower. There is quite a bit of ‘job pollution’ on Twitter, because the job boards and many employers don’t target their job tweets.”

Nonetheless, the jobs are still there. The key is finding them. As a way to filter through the noise, Hudson recommends job seekers use hashtags to take full advantage of Twitter’s search functionality.

Here are six hashtag categories that might be useful in a job search, along with some examples of what you could look for. For those who are new to Twitter or just need a refresher, check out this overview of hashtags.

General Job Search

Hashtags such as #jobs, #jobadvice, #jobhunt and #jobsearch offer both job openings and general job search advice. If you’re looking for high-level information about how to conduct a job search, this could be a great place to start.

  1. Clerk & Comptroller
    ClerkPBC On a #jobhunt? We’re seeking top-notch candidates for essential IT, finance and court positions: #careers 08 Oct 2010 from TweetDeck

  2. Monster Careers
    MonsterCareers How to Tell When a Job Interview is Going Well by @workinggirl #JobAdvice 08 Oct 2010 from CoTweet

  3. Jessica H Hernandez
    GreatResume Choosing a great reference: #jobseekers #jobsearch 08 Oct 2010 from SocialOomph

  4. LinkedIn Jobs
    LinkedIn_Jobs Director, Midwest Sales at The Daily Beast – Chicago, IL #in #jobs 08 Oct 2010 from TTYtter (LinkedIn_Jobs)

Job Postings

You can take your search one level further by using hashtags for specific jobs like #greenjobs, #jobposting, #telecom or #salesjobs just to name a few. For a list of additional hashtags, check out this Career Rocketeer post, entitled “Top 100+ Job Search Hashtags on Twitter.”

  1. ODOC
    OHDOC #jobposting #diversity VP Research and Sponsored Programs – Kent State University Dear Colleagu… Read more at 05 Oct 2010 from The Visitor Widget

  2. GEConnections
    GEConnections #Sales Manager wanted @ GE #Energy! Account Manager opening in Billings, MT! #jobs #salesjobs #gejobs ^JG 06 Oct 2010 from HootSuite

  3. JobsDirectNow
    JobsDirectNow #Jobs #Telecom Analyst, Telecommunications – General Dynamics – Pensacola, FL 08 Oct 2010 from twitterfeed

  4. EarthTechling
    EarthTechling New website helps you research green collar work: Searching For Green Jobs In California #green #greenjobs 08 Oct 2010 from TweetDeck


Since social media is all about conversation, why not engage in chats about job search? There are a few hashtags for chats, including #jobhuntchat, #careerchat, #internchat, and #hirefriday.

Rich DeMatteo, recruiting consultant and author of the blog Corn on the Job, is the founder of the #jobhuntchat group. This “first of its kind” Twitter chat takes place every Monday night from 10-11 p.m. ET. The audience consists of recruiters, resume writers, HR pros, working professionals, job seekers, interns and college students talking about job search. DeMatteo shared that they’ve had up to 300 participants in a single session and the format is working.

  1. Rich DeMatteo
    CornOnTheJob Q4: How can I phrase my Linkedin headline to gain attention from employers and recruiters? #JobHuntChat #jobhuntchat 05 Oct 2010 from TweetChat

  2. Jessica Merrell
    blogging4jobs Q4–I like to change my headline weekly. Premium accnt let you see what ppl search for. #jobhuntchat 05 Oct 2010 from TweetDeck

  3. Veronica Ludwig
    VeronicaLudwig Q4: Use keywords that are in job descriptions you apply for. These are the words recruiters are using to find you! #jobhuntchat 05 Oct 2010 from HootSuite

  4. Jennifer Novak
    NextJenHR Q4: make it specific and pointed -industry, career-level seeking________ in City,State or open to relo. #jobhuntchat 05 Oct 2010 from TweetChat

  5. YouCanDoWhatYouLove
    ycdwyl Q4 Headline should be what YOU can bring to THEM. Give them a reason to be interested and want to see more. #linkedin #jobhuntchat 05 Oct 2010 from TweetChat

Lindsay Goldner shared her experience:

“Finding #jobhuntchat catapulted me into the world of online networking. As a college senior, I’d barely built up a network and had zero connections in the industries I was interested in. #Jobhuntchat — along with its amazing moderators and participants — taught me that it was imperative for me to put myself out there, both in person and online. Connections I’ve made with people online and at networking events have led to great relationships and multiple job offers!”


Once you find the job, then you have to send over the resume. Searching hashtags like #resume, #resumewriting and #CV can give you valuable tips to keep your resume current as well as view other job seekers’ digital resumes for inspiration.

  1. Callum Saunders 
    callumsaunders Another example of a STUNNING digital #CV: 08 Oct 2010 from TweetDeck

  2. Alesia Benedict
    getinterviews Branding – The Hot Trend in Job Searching Great for improving your #resume! 08 Oct 2010 from SocialOomph

  3. hr bartender
    hrbartender Should a Pro Write Your Resume? #resume – 08 Oct 2010 from TweetDeck

Industry Conferences

Hudson suggests following professional conference events via hashtags:

“Conference hashtags are one of the best ways for jobseekers to find industry colleagues with whom they can network. For example, the HR Technology conference just took place. If I were looking for a job in enterprise software or talent management systems, I would certainly search the #HRTechConf hashtag and follow participants who might be helpful in my job search.”

  1. Eric Winegardner
    ewmonster Inbound traffic to J2W clients’ career sites from social channel: LI 47%, FB 30%, Twitter 16% Other 6%. -DBerg #HRTechConf 29 Sep 2010 from TweetDeck

Even if you’re not attending industry conferences, keep up-to-date with them via the web and follow along on their hashtags before, during and after the conferences to tweet along with attendees and other interested professionals in your field. The conversations that you start via Twitter could translate into future opportunities or even long-lasting business or personal relationships.

Career Advice

The learning doesn’t (or shouldn’t) stop once we land a job. Managing our careers is a constant process. Hashtags such as #career, #careers and #employment can help us with the questions and challenges we deal with every day.

  1. Lewis, Job Coach
    InterviewCoach 3 Ways Time Travel Can Sabotage Your Career #JobAdvice #Career 08 Oct 2010 from twitterfeed

  2. Susan P. Joyce
    JobHuntOrg Tips on how to run a meeting, from @Forbes: #careers 08 Oct 2010 from HootSuite

And while this piece is focused on hashtags, don’t forget that there are several companies and recruiters with dedicated career accounts on Twitter. The list includes Google, MTV, Starbucks and more. You can check out the complete list at Listorious.

There’s no denying that the job search takes time. When using hashtags as part of your job search, there is a process to reviewing what exists, identifying the right ones for your own situation and sifting through the information. But it certainly beats doing it the hard way.

What hashtags have you found valuable in your job search? Add your recommendations in the comments.

Social Media and Web Job Listings

Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the latest ones from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Related Twitter Resources from Mashable

- HOW TO: Find a Job on Twitter
- HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags
- 5 Terrific Twitter Research Tools
- How Job Seekers May Use Social Media in the Future
- HOW TO: Customize Your Background for the New Twitter

Image courtesy of Jerad Horning

Reviews: CoTweet, Google, HootSuite, LinkedIn, TweetDeck, Twitter, twitterfeed

More About: career, career counseling, career guidance, career hunting, careers, hashtag, hashtags, how to get a job, job hunt, job hunting, job listings, job search, job search series, job seekers, jobs, resume, resumes, twitter

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