via Beyond The Beyond by Bruce Sterling on 5/5/11
*Tabletop projection-mapping. And it works gangbusters.
*As a distinct bonus, it’s also Architecture Fiction!
“PROJEKTIL created an “augmented reality installation, a by 5 projectors recorded architectural model in scale 1 : 200. On the model can be shown various simulations (nightlife, sun and shadow, etc.), and also information (use zones, green areas, transport etc.) . Not only the mapped model projection is controlled interactivly by an ipad, but the whole space, which includes 44 dimmable dali lamps, 6 DMX lamps, 9 beamers, a touchscreen and the audio system.”
1 architecture model scale 1 : 200
1 ipad
9 full HD beamers
6 macminis
5000 vertices to set
40+ different animations and stills
44 dimmable dali lamps
6 DMX lamps
1 touchscreen
room ambiance and model interaction via iPad
all communications based on OpenSoundControl protocol
MeshWarpServer for realtime-meshwarping (((I’m happy just to exist in a world that has “meshwarpservers”)))
MaxMSP/Jitter for interaction control and video player
python script for device control via rs232
all modeling, animation and rendering with Blender
some sources available under
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and be our friend on fb here:!/visualartexperiences
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