via TechCrunch by Alexia Tsotsis on 12/22/11 
Since the list of 120 or so SOPA supporting companies hit the Internet yesterday, the lines have been drawn; People are publicly promising to pull thousands of domains from domain registrar Godaddy after it appeared on the list as a supporter. Other people are calling those people “bullies.”
Whether you’re for or against it SOPA has become somewhat of a pain point amongst techies, with the overwhelming majority, including myself and almost every other writer on the TechCrunch team, leaning heavily towards “against.”
SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) essentially allows ISPs to block entire domains because a piece of hosted content infringes copyright. As the bill approaches deliberation in House of Representatives next month, a steady stream of Internet companies have taken anti-SOPA stands. After all, sacrificing innovation to save a dying business model is a close as it gets to anathema in these parts.
Here’s a list of all the publicly anti-SOPA tech/Internet companies I could find. Please add other ones you know of in the comments.
- Boing Boing
- Creative Commons
- Daily Kos
- Disqus
- eBay
- Etsy
- foursquare
- Grooveshark
- Hype Machine
- Kickstarter
- Kaspersky
- Mozilla
- MetaFilter
- OpenDNS
- O’Reilly Radar
- Techdirt
- PayPal
- Torrentfreak
- Tumblr
- TechCrunch
- Yahoo!
- Zynga
- Scribd
- YCombinator
- Wikipedia
- Namecheap
- Petzel
- ICanHasCheezburger
- Quora
- Embedly
- MediaTemple
- CloudFlare
- StackExchange (Stack Overflow)
- Github
- Linode
- Hostgator
- Square
- The Huffington Post
- Craigslist
- 4chan
Sources: (TechCrunch, Quora,, Techmeme). You can read through our full coverage of SOPA here.
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