From the outside in

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Showyou Brings Flipboard Experience for Video to iPhone, iPad

via Mashable! by Lauren Indvik on 4/13/11

Showyou, a highly social video viewing app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, has arrived in the App Store.

Like Flipboard, the app aggregates videos from friends on Facebook, as well as those one follows on Twitter, Tumblr (coming soon), YouTube (coming soon), Vodpod and the Showyou network itself. Videos are displayed in a seamlessly browsable, thousand-thumbnail grid; individual thumbnails can be clicked to pull up specific videos and comments.

Users can share videos with their followers by emailing a video link to their Showyou account, and by liking and commenting on other videos in the app. It’s also easy to share videos found on Showyou across one’s accounts on other social networks, comments intact.

Mark Hall, the CEO of Remixation, the company that built the app, says he and his team were inspired by both Flipboard, an iPad app that displays stories from one’s RSS and social network feeds in a unified, magazine-like format, and Instagram, an iPhone app that allows users to smoothly browse, comment and share stylized photos across multiple social networks.

“It’s different than Flipboard in that it has its own built-in social network, like Instagram, and it’s different from Instagram in that it has the Flipboard-like ability to discover outside [one's] current feeds,” he says.

While we appreciate the parts Hall and his team have adapted from both apps, we wish the app had also taken note of Flipboard’s sophisticated browsing and search structures. It would be nice to peruse videos by specific topic and genre, such as music videos or movie trailers.

Where the app really shines is with Apple TV, which enables users to pull up content from the app on their TV screens.

As for a business model, Hall says the company plans to integrate cost-per-play video ads into the thumbnail grid, and is considering implementing an in-app subscription service for long-form, premium content a la Hulu and Netflix.

For a preview of the iPad version of Showyou, check out the video and/or gallery of screenshots below.

Promo Video

Screenshot Gallery

Videos are displayed in a thumbnail grid.

Clicking on a thumbnaill will pull up the video with information about the source and comments.

Users can leave comments on others videos, and share those comments to other social networks.

Users can receive and share content across multiple social networks.

This is what a user profile looks like.

Users can browse videos in a single-column format as well as the grid.

More About: Flipboard, instagram, remixation, showyou, trending, vodpod, youtube

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Posted via email from The New Word Order

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