From the outside in

Friday, July 9, 2010

RestoreTheGulf.Gov: Administration Launches New Website For #OilSpill Response

via Technology on by Huffington Post on 7/8/10

On Wednesday, National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen unveiled the Obama Administration's new Gulf oil spill response website,

The Department Of Homeland Security announced the week prior that they would be taking control of the central information website for the Gulf oil spill response., which has been run jointly by BP and other organizations, will be phased out in the coming weeks as the information is transferred to

The new website has up-to-date news on the oil spill response and state-specific information on cleanup and restoration operations. It also allows users to file claims, report oiled wildlife and beaches, submit suggestions to both BP and the federal government, and find information on volunteering to help with the oil spill response.

Admiral Allen Said:

We are committed to providing the American people access to complete and accurate information about our response to the BP oil spill and the resources available to assist those directly impacted. will provide even greater transparency and openness about the BP oil spill, our historic response, the tools available to assist Gulf Coast communities, and plans for the region's long-term recovery and restoration.

Posted via email from Out of my Mind

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