From the outside in

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Augmented Reality: Hoppala!

via Beyond The Beyond by Bruce Sterling on 7/16/10

*I do hope! they! get rid of! that exclamation point! soon.

“HOPPALA! Augmentation provides an easy way for non-technical creatives to start experimenting with augmented reality and Layar. Create your own augmented reality experiences with just some mouse clicks and publish your work at Layar, the world‘s largest augmented reality platform.

“HOPPALA! Augmentation comes with a full screen map interface to place and edit augments all around the world. Upload your images and icons, audio, video and 3D multimedia content with just some mouse clicks and add it to your personalized inventory in the cloud. HOPPALA! Augmentation even does the hosting for you. It simply runs in your browser, there’s no software installation required and no coding needed at all.

“HOPPALA! Augmentation is your perfect Layar companion. It offers a fullservice solution for producing augmented reality experiences and easily integrates with the Layar open platform. Create and maintain your content at HOPPALA! Augmentation and publish cross-platform at Layar. Layar is available for iPhone and Android smartphones with more than 2 mio. installations worldwide and preinstallations on 1 in 3 AR capable smartphones sold worldwide this year.

“Try HOPPALA! Augmentation for free and learn more about HOPPALA! Augmentation in our video tutorial.”

(((At least they didn’t name the enterprise “H0pp0la.” The thing I like best about Hoppola! (besides the fact that it makes AR accessible to bone-lazy dilettantes), is that it resembles an augmented reality system for building augmented realities. With “no software installation required and with no coding needed at all,” it may be a mere matter of time before we can augment reality by snapping our fingers at it.)))

Posted via email from Out of my Mind

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