From the outside in

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Help Me Connect the Social Media Economy

As more and more businesses come to the realization that social adoption isn’t a matter of it, but when, the next question is invariably about resources:

“Who should be in charge of this in my company?”
“How many people do I need doing this?”
“Do I need to be listening 24×7?”
“Can we create compelling content with our current staff?”

These are queries I hear all the time from companies. You’re probably hearing them too, and maybe asking them. The social media economy Help Me Connect the Social Media Economy answers, of course, are “it depends” – as we discuss at length in The NOW Revolution. But at some point, most companies will need to hire social skills and/or social specialists.

Simultaneously, there’s a burgeoning group of marketing, communication, and customer service professionals that can credibly step into a social media-oriented job and do it proud.

Unfortunately, these two groups seem to be staying away from each other like Superman and Kryponite. Or Kim Kardashian and The Iliad.

Let’s change that.

3 2 1 Facebook Messaging What it Means for Marketers — Trash 11 Help Me Connect the Social Media Economy In each issue of the 3-2-1 email newsletter (links to 3 key social media articles; twice per week; sent at 1pm pacific) I’m going to include a link to an available social media job, or the Linkedin profile (or blog) of a potential social media-oriented employee.

Jay Baer Job Fair

Called the Jay Baer Job Fair, this new feature will provide exposure for companies and job seekers (there are a few thousand subscribers to 3-2-1). But, it only works if I have jobs and candidates to promote.

So, please send me a short email to with a link to your online job description (employers), or Linkedin profile or blog (job seekers). 3-2-1 is published every Monday and Friday, so I’ll be able to promote two each week. I’ll expand it if this takes off.

Thanks very much for your help. Please tell your friends, and let’s work together to connect the social media economy.

(photo by Shutterstock, a Convince & Convert sponsor)

Posted via email from The New Word Order

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