From the outside in

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Metblogs isn't dead, long live Metblogs! Help keep a globally-local indie bl...

via Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin on 5/24/10

latbla.jpgSeven years ago, I introduced two internet-pals who were brewing similar ideas about a worldwide network of local indie blogs—Sean Bonner and Jason DeFillippo—and those pals ended up building something called Metblogs. In the course of my Boing Boing posts since then, I've linked to items on Metblog member sites from L.A. to Karachi to Paris to Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai to Dubai, many more times than I can recall.

Like many other online publishers, Metblogs suffered greatly during 2008 and 2009, when the online ad market bottomed out. On Friday, word circulated that an eleventh-hour partnership deal to save the network had fallen through, and that the lights would soon go out. Well, Monday's here, and with it, hope that what has become an important network for locally-focused "citizen journalism" will survive. Sean emails:

We received a huge outpouring of support, comments and e-mails from people saying they didn't want to see Metblogs die and how could they help, including some companies. We're working out details to keep the sites online right now, no specifics yet but we are extremely optimistic something will work out.
Here's an update post from Sean. And here's a post by Metblogs contributor Shane Nickerson about what happened, and why it matters that the network stay alive.

Most importantly, here's a link where people who want to help with the transition can donate cash to help them keep the lights on for now. As soon as I hit "publish," I'm gonna click over and kick some fuel their way for all the great work they've done over the past 7 years. I encourage you to do the same.

(Image: 2003 photograph of Metblogs founders Sean Bonner, L, and Jason DeFillippo, R, in Los Angeles Times profile)

Posted via email from vtblom's posterous

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