From the outside in

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Todd Brewster: The Cry of "We the People" Is a Simple One: Leave Us Alone!

via Technology on by Todd Brewster on 2/23/12

In a few weeks, the Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments in a case challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration's landmark health care reform law. The big issue before the justices will be whether the law's provision for an "individual mandate" -- demanding that everyone purchase health insurance or pay a fine for not doing so -- can be justified under the clause of the Constitution which gives Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce.

The act's opponents claim that Congress only has the power to regulate interstate commercial activity, not commercial inactivity, which is what a fine for not buying insurance would be, and therefore, they say, the act is unconstitutional. But I have a feeling that for the great bulk of those who oppose the act, the reason is not some refined reading of the Constitution. It is, instead, the desire to be left alone.

What so many opponents of the Affordable Care Act find offensive is the idea that you have to do something because the government tells you that you have to when freedom to so many Americans has traditionally been understood to mean being left to our own devices. If the law withstands judicial scrutiny, they argue, then what is next? A law requiring us all to buy General Motors cars? Or, in their favorite hypothetical, one requiring us all to eat broccoli?

While both of these images take the idea to the ridiculous, in my judgment, I do believe that the underlying attitude behind opposition to the Act is the feeling that to live in the 21st century is to lead a life that is persistently intruded upon, either by government or business or technology or, perhaps worse, some inchoate force we can't yet describe or define. It is a concern that defies party and ideological lines and it is growing day by day.

Last week, President Barack Obama signed a law authorizing the Federal Aviation Administration to open the skies to civilian drones -- yes, little unmanned aircraft that can hover over your neighborhood. You can just imagine what benefits such technology could provide -- for agriculture, for traffic control, for armchair real estate shopping. But there is nothing in existing privacy doctrine to prevent these same drones from gathering whatever information they can on you so long as it is visible from a "public vantage point," and nothing to prevent them from storing such information for future use or sale.

Drones, which can read license plates and track the movements of vehicles, are coming to your local police precinct as well. Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that a GPS device surreptitiously attached to a suspect's vehicle so as to monitor his movements was a violation of the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. But because it does not enter the home and is not attached to a vehicle (or some other piece of personal property), a little drone hummingbird pausing in the sky outside your bedroom window would fall outside the Court's ruling.

Think of it. While so many aspects of 21st century-Internet shopping emphasize "choice" and the ability to cater your consumer decisions to the minutest individual detail, one of the insidious trade-offs in this is the way that e-commerce sites can silently gather -- and keep -- information about your online activities, information that allows them to market to you with greater precision.

Businesses will argue that this helps consumers in the way that it alerts them to well-tailored buying options they might not otherwise be aware of, but there is a growing movement of people who find this kind of eavesdropping to be an unacceptable invasion of their personal space. Last year Democrats introduced two bills in Congress -- the Do Not Track Kids Act proposed by Rep. Edward Markey of Massachusetts and the more extensive Do Not Track Online Activity Act sponsored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia -- intended to limit businesses from gathering and keeping on-line information, including the requirement to "anonymize"(a great new word for describing a new need) information that they do gather.

The worry about the meddlesome society has been felt in Europe, too, but here the example demonstrates just how difficult it will be to adjust the new media technologies to American principles of free speech. In a recent issue of Stanford Law Review Jeffrey Rosen noted that the European Commissioner for Justice has proposed the establishment of a new "right to be forgotten," a wonderfully poetic phrase (if they have not already, someone needs to call this "The Greta Garbo Act") that has emerged from the concerns of those who post something on the Internet that they later decide they want to remove. Since the Internet is permanent in a way that no other kind of expressive speech has ever been, it has made it next to impossible to escape one's past. Pictures, tweets, and posts live on impervious to their future impact.

The French phrase for this right -- le droit a l'oubli -- has long been recognized by French law for criminals who after having served their time and been returned to society should not, French law reasons, be hampered by the publication of the details of their past. (Our First Amendment doctrine recognizes no such right.) But the growing feeling in Europe now is to extend this right to all, allowing people to expunge things from the Internet that they no longer want to be seen.

Google's lawyers see the "right to be forgotten" as censorship, and not only "self-censorship." What, for instance, does one do about posts or pictures or other pieces of data that are copied and re-posted by others? In the proposed law there is an exclusion made for journalistic, artistic, or literary expression but the burden of determining whether something has such intrinsic value is left to those who run, say, the social network site re-posting it or even the search engine that hosts the site. One can only imagine the chill that would overcome the Internet if such restrictions were to be recognized by American law.

None of these issues threatening personal privacy suggests an easy solution. All point to the awkward fact that for a society like ours, with our fierce protection of individual choice and freedom of expression, the new world is making it harder to be master of your own domain and harder, to be sure, to be left alone.

Todd Brewster is the Director of the National Constitution Center's Peter Jennings Project and the Center for Oral History at West Point.'s many bots feud over book-prices

via Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow on 2/23/12

Carlos Bueno, author of a kids' book about understanding computers called Lauren Ipsum, describes what happens when the cadre of competing bots that infest Amazon's sales-database began to viciously fight with one another over pricing for his book. It's a damned weird story.

Before I talk about my own troubles, let me tell you about another book, “Computer Game Bot Turing Test”. It's one of over 100,000 “books” “written” by a Markov chain running over random Wikipedia articles, bundled up and sold online for a ridiculous price. The publisher, Betascript, is notorious for this kind of thing.

It gets better. There are whole species of other bots that infest the Amazon Marketplace, pretending to have used copies of books, fighting epic price wars no one ever sees. So with “Turing Test” we have a delightful futuristic absurdity: a computer program, pretending to be human, hawking a book about computers pretending to be human, while other computer programs pretend to have used copies of it. A book that was never actually written, much less printed and read.

The internet has everything.

This would just be an interesting anecdote, except that bot activity also seems to affect books that, you know, actually exist. Last year I published my children's book about computer science, Lauren Ipsum. I set a price of $14.95 for the paperback edition and sales have been pretty good. Then last week I noticed a marketplace bot offering to sell it for $55.63. “Silly bots”, I thought to myself, “must be a bug”. After all, it's print-on-demand, so where would you get a new copy to sell?

Then it occured to me that all they have to do is buy a copy from Amazon, if anyone is ever foolish enough to buy from them, and reap a profit. Lazy evaluation, made flesh. Clever bots!

Then another bot piled on, and then one based in the UK. They started competing with each other on price. Pretty soon they were offering my book below the retail price, and trying to make up the difference on "shipping and handling". I was getting a bit worried.

Sidebar: Lauren Ipsum sounds so interesting, I've just ordered a copy to read to my daughter!

How Bots Seized Control of My Pricing Strategy (via JWZ)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Microsoft, Google and Netflix want to add DRM-hooks to W3C HTML5 standard

via Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow on 2/23/12

A proposed anti-copying extension for the WC3's standard for HTML5 has been submitted by representatives of Google, Microsoft and Netflix. The authors take pains to note that this isn't "DRM" -- because it doesn't attempt to hide keys and other secrets from the user -- but in a mailing list post, they later admitted that this could be "addressed" by running the browser inside a proprietary hardware system that hid everything from the user.

Other WC3 members -- including another prominent Googler, Ian Hickson -- have called for the withdrawal of the proposal. Hickson called it "unethical." I agree, and would add "disingenuous," too, since the proposal disclaims DRM while clearly being intended to form a critical part of a DRM system.

In an era where browsers are increasingly the system of choice for compromising users' security and privacy, it is nothing short of madness to contemplate adding extensions to HTML standards that contemplate designing devices and software to deliberately hide their workings from users, and to prevent users from seeing what they're doing and changing that behavior if it isn't in their interests.

Writing on Ars Technica, Ryan Paul gives a good blow-by-blow look at the way that this extension is being treated in the W3C:

Mozilla's Robert O'Callahan warned that the pressure to provide DRM in browsers might lead to a situation where major browser vendors and content providers attempt to push forward a suboptimal solution without considering the implications for other major stakeholders.

Some of the discussion surrounding the Encrypted Media proposal seem to validate his concerns. Mozilla's Chris Pearce commented on the issue in a message on the W3C HTML mailing list and asked for additional details to shed light on whether the intended content protection scheme could be supported in an open source application.

"Can you highlight how robust content protection can be implemented in an open source webrowser?" he asked. "How do you guard against an open source web browser simply being patched to write the frames/samples to disk to enable (presumably illegal) redistribution of the protected content?"

Netflix's Mark Watson responded to the message and acknowledged that strong copy protection can't be implemented in an open source Web browser. He deflected the issue by saying that copy protection mechanisms can be implemented in hardware, and that such hardware can be used by open source browsers.

"Unethical" HTML video copy protection proposal draws criticism from W3C reps (Thanks, Rob!)

Mastered for iTunes: how audio engineers tweak music for the iPod age

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Can PolitiFact Be Salvaged?

via Rumproast by Betty Cracker on 2/21/12


Rachel Maddow is fed up with PolitiFact. She’s not alone. PolitiFact’s galloping case of Broderitis seems to have worsened recently. Perhaps its most infamous foray into useful idiocy was its 2011 “Lie of the Year” award for Democrats who correctly characterized Paul Ryan’s “Coupons4Codgers” plan as the end of Medicare as we know it.

But PolitiFact routinely distorts the facts in ways large and small, as chronicled frequently at this blog and elsewhere. This morning brought a fresh example of PolitiFact’s moldy decay to my attention: It rated Florida Governor Rick Scott’s claim at CPAC that his administration is “poised to get rid of over 1,000 more regulations in 2012” MOSTLY TRUE despite the fact that the numbers simply don’t add up (by PolitiFact’s own account) and that they had to broaden the definition of “the Scott administration” to encompass the entire Florida legislature to even get within striking distance of TRUE.

So who are these PolitiFact people and why do they seem so hell-bent on muddying the waters their mission statement claims they are here to clarify? This came up last week when Mistermix pointed out yet another example of the broken mathematical model PolitiFact uses to separate fact from fiction. Balloon Juice commenter Lex said: 

The Tampa Bay (formerly St. Petersburg) Times [sponsor of the PolitiFact project—ed.] is owned by the nonprofit Poynter Institute for Media Studies, a journalism think tank and training center. I’ve attended two training sessions there and also have served as a presenter at a third (off-site). To this one-time customer, Poynter appears, with a few exceptions, to be generally a well-run, thoughtful, public-spirited place and, overall, a force for good in U.S. journalism.

However …

Lately, they’ve been kind of screwing the pooch, both with respect to Politifact’s misstatements and inconsistencies and with the way they handled Jim Romenesko.

After the Politifact Medicare “Lie of the Year” debacle, right before Christmas, I wrote Politifact’s Bill Adair, a guy whose work I’d long respected. I cc’d Poynter President Karen Dunlap, whom I’ve also met. And I said, basically, “I love you guys, but you’re violating the first rule of holes and damaging the Poynter brand.” I was hoping that they might hear and respond to someone with ties to Poynter in a way that they might not respond to some anonymous member of the general public. But I never heard a word back from either one of them.

Lex’s assessment squares with my personal experience with The Tampa Bay Times, which is generally a decent paper. The paper competes in the Tampa Bay market with the more conservative Tampa Tribune. I’m sure it’s not immune to the panic and despair that characterize damn near all mainstream news outlets these days as they struggle to survive a wrenching market dislocation occasioned by the rise of the internet, a profusion of ideology-centric cable channels, etc.

Many folks have suggested that PolitiFact is willing to interpret the facts in a wildly inconsistent manner to avoid getting tagged with the “liberal” label, which it believes will hurt business. I’m convinced that this is true. The question is, what can be done about it? Should we just conclude PolitiFact is worse than useless as Maddow suggests and accept that it has zero credibility now and never will?

If it continues to operate as it currently has, I see no other choice. But the idea behind PolitiFact—objective parsing of political speech to reveal what’s true and what’s bullshit—remains an important service in theory and one we can no longer count on news bureaus to perform. And, as Lex points out, the organization behind PolitiFact isn’t some Murdoch propaganda outlet that revels in its ability to squeeze the rubes. So perhaps it is capable of reform. 

Maybe a fix is as simple as this: Get rid of the ratings. Just give us the facts that are already contained in each rating entry and let us decide for ourselves where it falls on the truth scale. From what I’ve seen, the facts presented seem mostly accurate and well-sourced; PolitiFact fucks up when they try to assign ratings. So they should stop doing it.

I realize that would take a lot of the fun out of it, both for PolitiFact and its readers. The PANTS ON FIRE thing is cute, gimmicky and an essential attention-getter for marketing purposes. But as PolitiFact has demonstrated in terms that can be mathematically illustrated, they haven’t found a way to apply labels in an unbiased manner.

They’ll need to decide what’s more important: the marketing or the mission. So far, it has been the former. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

[X-POSTED at Balloon Juice]

Monday, February 20, 2012

Canadian universities sign bone-stupid copyright deal with collecting societ...

via Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow on 2/20/12

Under a new deal signed by the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto, the act of emailing a link will be classed as equivalent to photocopying, and each student and faculty member will cost the universities $27.50/year for this right that the law gives them for free, along with a collection of other blanket licenses of varying legitimacy. In order to enforce these licenses, all faculty email will be subject to surveillance.

“Toronto’s and Western Ontario’s actions are inexplicable,” said James L. Turk, CAUT executive director. “They have buckled under to Access Copyright’s outrageous and unjustified demands at a time when courts have extended rights to use copyrighted material, better alternatives are becoming available to the services Access offers and just before the passage of new federal copyright legislation that provides additional protections for the educational sector”.

Turk also pointed out that the Supreme Court is set to clarify the educational use of copyrighted works in the coming months, clarifications that could undercut Access’s bargaining position. In contrast to Western Ontario and Toronto, many institutions have opted out of agreements with Access Copyright or are fighting its demands at the Copyright Board of Canada.

“These two universities threw in the towel on the copyright battle prematurely,” said Turk. “We call on other post-secondary institutions not to follow Toronto’s and Western Ontario’s example of capitulating to Access Copyright. It‘s time to stand up for the right to fair and reasonable access to copyrighted works for educational purposes”.

Copyright agreement with Western and Toronto a bad and unwarranted deal (via O'Reilly Radar)

The Carriers Are Stuck In The Innovator’s Dilemma. Just Don’t Tell Them That. | PandoDaily

The Post-Office Generation

via TechCrunch by John Biggs on 2/20/12


A recent post on MinimalMac posits an interesting case for the slow, growing sense of the irrelevance of Microsoft, at least in the applications space. Go and read the piece – it’s excellent – but the gist is that for years Microsoft banked on Office being as important to users as, say, Windows. Office is Microsoft’s biggest money maker and for most of this decade no self-respecting IT department would consider any alternatives, even though they existed. You needed it to get work done. OpenOffice? That stuff was just weird.

However, with the rise of tablets, office workers have suddenly noticed that they don’t need Office anymore. All they need is an email app, a notepad, and something like Dropbox. You can open Office docs on any device, you can edit text on nearly any tablet, and $9.99 gets you a capable word processor on the iPad. In short, Office is becoming irrelevant.

Patrick Rhone calls this a “miss” but I call it a paradigm shift. This shift is probably as jarring to offices as the transition from paper to electronic records and I doubt the reverberations of this shift will die down any time soon.

The story of office automation has been one of slow and inexorable change. As a child of the 1980s, I’m amazed when I watch movies and documentaries that show records being stored in a big room staffed by the office equivalent of librarians. As an adult of the aughts, on the other hand, I find myself appalled at the necessity for paper records and often, in a fit of pique, I fill out forms with my own style of chicken-scratch handwriting. Take customs forms at the border, for example: what government will ever be able to go through those written records in time to notice, say, a nefarious pattern? It’s literally impossible and it’s a waste of paper. Harumpf.

But old habits die hard and although we’re not even close to a paperless office yet, I think the rise of tablets will move us that final step towards a place of no printers. For most of this century, the main means of communication has been a typewritten report or memo. People needed eight hours in an office just to go through paperwork. When they took work home they took paper home. Even the desktop paradigm – the trash can, the inbox, the folder – mirrors this concept.

But what is the paradigm now? Mobile OSes don’t have trash cans or folders. Email apps talk about accounts and the icons show little paper airplanes rather than a flying letter. That the OS X Mail icon is still a stamp is as much an anachronism as saying you’re “dialing” a cellphone (but don’t get me started on Apple’s incessant desire to mirror real-world objects. Leather calendars? Really?). In less than a decade, our mental models for getting work done went from “go to some guy in records to find a number” to “Google it.”

And what was Word if not the ultimate typewriter? Word was the gold standard for the printed word, a way for the design-challenged to create a handsome training manual or break room notice (“Do not drink the ‘milk in the fridge’ it is Tonys.”). What was Excel if not a handsome, electronic ledger? You could print out reports with the important numbers in bold or, if your office was really rich, you could print it on the color laser printer.

And what was Access (remember Access?) but a way to put those poor schlubs in records out of a job?

Now Office’s namesake, the office, is changing. I’m not saying it’s changing quickly nor is it changing as wildly as I would like, but with the move to web-based business interfaces, cloud computing, and instant sharing, there is less impetus to make documents look “professional” and more on just getting them out the door. I think the real switch will come when documents, as a matter of course, will be signed electronically and not by hand. This will spell the death knell for Office and usher in a new era of entirely cloud-based document handling.

Is Microsoft sunk because of this? Absolutely not, but they’d better start spinning up some services that speak to the post-Office generation. After all, who needs Word templates when you can make this in two seconds.

FTC dropped security requirements from contract for sites hit by Anonymous

via Ars Technica by (Sean Gallagher) on 2/20/12

If you were looking for a recipe for creating government websites that attract defacement attacks, the acquisition process that led to the creation of a set of recently hacked Federal Trade Commission sites would be a good place to start. Despite a raft of federal security regulations and guidelines for using cloud services, smaller projects often fall through the cracks of security oversight—just as they often do with outsourced marketing projects for large corporations.

The initial language of the FTC's solicitation for the $1.49 million contract that created the sites that were hacked on January 24 and February 17 set out very specific language about the security requirements for the site. But by the time the contract for a set of consumer and business education websites and social media was awarded to public relations firm Fleishman-Hilliard in August of 2011, those requirements were dropped from the statement of work.

Read the rest of this article...

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Stop It – The Burmese Python – Part II | Audubon Guides

Stop It – The Burmese Python – Part II | Audubon Guides:

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

#CNN Cancels Pre-Super Tuesday #GOP Debate (UPDATED)

What if you gave a debate and nobody came?

via TPM2012 by Eric Kleefeld on 2/16/12

Updated February 16, 3:45 p.m. ET

CNN announced Thursday that the debate has been called off: ""Without full participation of all four candidates, CNN will not move forward with the Super Tuesday debate. However, next week, CNN and the Arizona Republican Party will host all four leading contenders for the GOP nomination. That debate will be held in Mesa, Arizona on February 22 and will be moderated by CNN's John King."

The original post follows:

A Republican debate that was set to be held on March, five days before Super Tuesday, now appears to be on ice -- with Newt Gingrich the only candidate confirmed for it, and the others either turning it down or not accepting.

The debate is (or was) set to be held in Atlanta, and was set to be hosted by CNN and the state Republican parties of both Georgia and Ohio. Recent polls have shown favorite son Newt Gingrich with a big lead in Georgia, and Rick Santorum pulling ahead comfortably in Ohio.

But the dominoes really started falling Thursday, after Mitt Romney opted to not accept the invitation.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Are media in the content business?

via BuzzMachine by Jeff Jarvis on 2/15/12

The Guardian launches its new Media Network my essay asking whether we in media are really in the content business. Here’s the first half (in the rest, I catalog the methods I think are worth exploring to rethink our role…. I’ll be expanding on that later).

* * *

What if we in media are not in the content business?

Oh, yes, we will produce content; that’s what we do. But perhaps our greatest value is not in what we produce but in what it produces: signals about people’s interests, about authority, about topics and trends.

That is how Facebook, Google, Twitter and company see content – as a signal generator. That is how they extract value from it, by using those signals to serve more relevant content, services, and advertising. But they are not in the content business. They are in the relationship business. Shouldn’t we also be?

A US TV news executive I know complained to me recently that Facebook and Google, in his words, use media’s steel to build their cars. “Mark Zuckerberg,” he said, “does not value content.”

No, I said, Zuckerberg values more content than we do. We think content is that which we make because we are content people – we see content as a scarcity we produce and control. Facebook and Google, on the other hand, see content everywhere – in the allegedly useless creations, chatter and links made by people in the course of their lives. They see content as an abundant resource to learn from, value and exploit.

The problem is, the media is not built for relationships because our industry was born in a time of factories, not services. We rarely know who our readers are (and we still call them just readers or at best commenters, not creators or collaborators). We do not have the means to gather, analyse and act on data about their activities and interests at an individual level. Thus we cannot serve them as individuals.

Our product, content, is not built for that. It is built for masses. That is what our means of production and distribution demanded. So now we try to adapt that content for new tools, impressed that we can add motion, sound or touch to what we have long done. But our online books, magazines, and newspapers are still recognisable as such. We haven’t gone nearly far enough yet to rethink and reinvent them….

Apps Uploading Address Books Is A Privacy Side-Show Compared To DPI

via TechCrunch by Mike Butcher on 2/15/12


While the hand-wringing over the future of journalism, blogging, the nature of conflicts of interest, yada yada, has been deeply interesting (alongside the personal attacks – we all like a good public fight don’t we?), it’s worth recalling that the furore was kicked off by a fairly pertinent point. To whit: Path was uploading user’s address books without their explicit permission.

Yes it was a rare omission by Nick Bilton to not call out the 50 or so other apps that often do this by default. But his essential point remains correct, and it’s kicked off a wave of excellent reporting into which apps behave like this, and why Apple has allowed this to go on for so long.

But while we continue to point the finger at startups with smartphone apps designed to be social, I’d like to remind Silicon Valley about another business which, despite claims to the contrary, is deeply interested in our private affairs, and is unlikely ever to be as contrite as Dave Morin was just recently.

I speak of the sector known as Deep Packet Inspection.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

FCC to dash LightSquared's bid for LTE glory

via Engadget by Zachary Lutz on 2/14/12

Many of us have seen this coming for some time now, but the FCC issued a statement late today that it intends to reject LightSquared's bid to create a wholesale LTE network on the basis that interference with existing GPS devices is unavoidable. The news follows a similar recommendation from the NTIA that was delivered to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski today, which concluded "there are no mitigation strategies that both solve the interference issues and provide LightSquared with an adequate commercial network deployment." For its part, the upstart wireless provider responded that it "profoundly disagrees" with the NTIA's conclusions and that it remains committed to finding a solution.


FCC to dash LightSquared's bid for LTE glory originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 14 Feb 2012 20:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Beginner’s Guide to Seeing the The International Space Station (ISS)

Never miss it, takes a bit of patience and clear skies...actually do have pics but not to good on the iPhone...

via Universe Today by Adrian West on 2/14/12

The International Space Station Credit: @VirtualAstro

Most readers of Universe Today are familiar with the International Space Station or “ISS” as it’s often referred to. But just in case you are visiting our site for the first time, the ISS is a huge space station orbiting Earth that serves as an orbital laboratory, factory, testing ground and home; crew members conduct experiments from biology to astronomy, including experiments for prolonged exposure to life in space for future missions to the Moon and beyond.

The ISS is major accomplishment for NASA (US), ESA (Europe), JAXA (Japan) CSA (Canada) and all the countries involved (16 in all). The space station is just over 72 m long by 108 m wide and 20 m high; it is maintained at an orbital altitude of between 330 km (205 mi) and 410 km (255 mi) and travels at an average speed of 27,724 kilometres (17,227 mi) per hour, completing 15.7 orbits per day.

One of the best things about the ISS is that you can see it with your own eyes from Earth! It’s very easy to watch the International Space Station pass over your own backyard! (...)
Read the rest of Beginner’s Guide to Seeing the The International Space Station (ISS) (670 words)

© Adrian West for Universe Today, 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Watch #Bernie Sanders Take Down #Koch Class Warrior Paul #Ryan

via PoliticusUSA by Jason Easley on 2/13/12

In response to Rep. Paul Ryan’s criticism of Obama’s budget, Sen. Bernie Sanders called out Ryan’s Koch fueled class warfare. Here is the video courtesy of The Ed Show: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Transcript via MSNBC: SCHULTZ: Let’s turn to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, member of the Senate Budget Committee. Senator, good to have you with us tonight. Here are some of the highlights and the headline should I say of the president’s...

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Google Knowledge Graph Could Change Search Forever

via Mashable! by Lance Ulanoff on 2/13/12

Google Knowledge Graph Example Thumbnail

Click to see full graph example

Google has a confession to make: It does not understand you. If you ask it “the 10 deepest lakes in the U.S,” it will give you a very good result based on the keywords in the phrase and sites with significant authority on those words and even word groupings, but Google Fellow and SVP Amit Singhal says Google doesn’t understand the question. “We cross our fingers and hope someone on the web has written about these things or topics.”

The future of Google Search, though, could be a very different story. In an extensive conversation, Singhal, who has been in the search field for 20 years, outlined a developing vision for search that takes it beyond mere words and into the world of entities, attributes and the relationship between those entities. In other words, Google’s future search engine will not only understand your lake question but know a lake is a body of water and tell you the depth, surface areas, temperatures and even salinities for each lake.

To understand where Google is going, however, you need to know where it’s been.

Google Fellow Amit SinghalSearch, Singhal explained, started as a content-based, keyword index task that changed little in the latter half of the 20th century, until the arrival of the World Wide Web, that is. Suddenly search had a new friend: links. Google, Amit said, was the first to use links as “recommendation surrogates.” In those early days, Google based its results on content links and the authority of those links. Over time, Google added a host of signals about content, keywords and you to build an even better query result.

Eventually Google transitioned from examining keywords to meaning. “We realized that the words ‘New’ and ‘York’ appearing next to each other suddenly changed the meaning of both those words.” Google developed statistical heuristics that recognized that those two words appearing together is a new kind of word. However, Google really did not yet understand that New York is a city, with a population and particular location.

Still, word sequences and the meaning they have is something, but not enough for Google or Singhal, who was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

Big Changes Coming

Google now wants to transform words that appear on a page into entities that mean something and have related attributes. It’s what the human brain does naturally, but for computers, it’s known as Artificial Intelligence.

It’s a challenging task, but the work has already begun. Google is “building a huge, in-house understanding of what an entity is and a repository of what entities are in the world and what should you know about those entities,” said Singhal.

In 2010, Google purchased Freebase, a community-built knowledge base packed with some 12 million canonical entities. Twelve million is a good start, but Google has, according to Singhal, invested dramatically to “build a huge knowledge graph of interconnected entities and their attributes.”

The transition from a word-based index to this knowledge graph is a fundamental shift that will radically increase power and complexity. Singhal explained that the word index is essentially like the index you find at the back of a book: “A knowledge base is huge compared to the word index and far more refined or advanced.”

Right now Google is, Singhal told me, building the infrastructure for the more algorithmically complex search of tomorrow, and that task, of course, does include more computers. All those computers are helping the search giant build out the knowledge graph, which now has “north of 200 million entities.” What can you do with that kind of knowledge graph (or base)?

Initially, you just take baby steps. Although evidence of this AI-like intelligence is beginning to show up in Google Search results, most people probably haven’t even noticed it.

Knowledge Graph at Work Today

Monet Search with Knowledge GraphType “Monet” into Google Search, for instance, and, along with the standard results, you’ll find a small area at the bottom: “Artwork Searches for Claude Monet.” In it are thumbnail results of the top five or six works by the master. Singhal says this is an indication that Google search is beginning to understand that Monet is a painter and that the most important thing about an artist are his greatest works.

When I note that this does not seem wildly different or more exceptional that the traditional results above, Singhal cautioned me that judging the knowledge graph’s power on this would be like judging an artist on work he did as a 12- or 24-month-old.

It could be seen as somewhat ironic that Google is addressing what has been a key criticism leveled at it by its chief search competitor, Microsoft Bing. The software giant ran a series of scathing commercials, which while never mentioning Google by name, depicted the search results most people get as comically lacking context. Most people understood that the criticism and joke was aimed at Google, and now Google is doing something about the quality of its results.

When I asked Singhal if he had thought about Bing’s criticism and realized that Bing has long advertised that its results focus more on useful answers instead of links, Singhal deflected, saying he couldn’t comment on what Bing may or may not be doing.

It’s also worth noting that millions of people now believe they already have AI search thanks to Apple’s iPhone 4S and Siri, the intelligent assistant. It uses the information it can access on your phone and through the web to answer natural language questions. Whatever Google’s Knowledge Graph can do, it clearly needs to go beyond Siri’s brand of AI.

Pinpointing exactly how far you can take the”search of the future,” however, is somewhat difficult for Singhal. “We’re building the ‘hadron collider.’ What particles will come out of it, I can’t predict right now,” he said.

On the other hand, Singhal does admit that it is his dream to build the Star Trek computer. Like Siri, you could ask this computer, which appeared on the 1960s sci-fi TV show, virtually any question and get an intelligent answer. “All aspects of computing or AI improve when you have such an infrastructure in-house,” said Singhal, referring to the massive knowledge graph Google is building. “You can process query or question much better, and you get a step closer to building the Star Trek computer,” he said.

Beyond Search

Speaking of Star Trek, there is another frontier that might benefit from the power of Google’s Knowledge Graph: Robotics. Singhal is, admittedly, no expert, but noted that robotics, which exists at the intersection of mechanical engineers and computing, struggles when it comes to language capabilities. “I believe we are laying the foundation for how robotics would incorporate language into the future of robot-human interaction,” he said.

It’s an exciting thought. Being a robot geek, I proceeded to paint a picture of the future that Singhal did not disagree with: Future robots with access to Google’s entity-based search engine might be able to understand that the “tiny baby” they’re caring for (What? You wouldn’t leave your baby with a robot?) is small, fragile and always hungry. The robot might even know how to feed the baby because it would know the entity “always hungry” has to be cross-referenced with the fact that it’s a “baby,” which is also an entity in the knowledge graph, and includes attributes like “no solids.”

As we talked, it occurred to me that while 200 million entities is a lot, the world of knowledge is vast. How many entities would it take for the Google’s Knowledge Graph to know the answer to everything? Singhal laughed and instead of pinpointing a number spun the question around:

“The beauty of the human mind is that it can build things and decide things in ways we didn’t think were possible, and I think the best answer I can give right now is that the human mind would keep creating knowledge and I see what we’re building in our knowledge graph as a tool to aid the creation of more knowledge. It’s an endless quantitative cycle of creativity.”

More About: ai, bing, Google, google search, microsoft, Search, Top Stories, trending